Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Sock Summit

So knitters, you've surely heard of Sock Summit that is about to take place in Portland, Oregon. I'm SO geeked that this is even happening. It's a monumental knitting event... in my book it totally kicks any other fiber festivals butt because it's all socks all the time, my favorite thing to knit. I wanted to go badly but lets face it -- it's a dream trip! Plus, its the same weekend as my son's 10th birthday and a huge family reunion that we're going to in Colorado.

Next year? WOW! I'd love to go! I hope they have one again! It'd be such a dream vacation! Anyone want to room with me???

So I can be green with sock envy about missing Sock Summit but at least there is blogland to keep us filled in, right?

Also -- I'm going to the New York Sheep and Wool festival in a couple of months, so that helps. WHEE! I am not going to buy yarn. Well, maybe a little, but truth be told I haven't bought any yarn in quite a while (at least for me). I'm trying very hard not to build up my stash again and knit with what I have. It's another major knitting event I've followed closely in blogland. I just want to go experience the festival while I can. Just once.

Oh! Such Fibery Goodness!


mary jane said...

Me too, I want to go to the Sock Summit so badly my stomach aches. I'm hoping to attend Rheinbeck though, yippee!

Jane said...

You will need tons of will-power at Rhinebeck. Did you find a place to stay? Not sure if I'm going yet, but will be sure to let you know!

Pat said...

I'm missing Sock Summit and hitting Rhinebeck too :-)