Sunday, May 17, 2009

Perfect Weekend

Saturday: farmers' market, Reid State Park, iced coffee, scrabble.

Sunday: gem hunting, mud puddles, air hockey in Bethel, tears in my eyes at Mt. Blue.

I get choked up looking at these photos. We just had such a great time this weekend. It seems that this is how we love to spend our weekends -- ocean one day, mountains the next. It doesn't get any better than this.

We all woke up on a high from the weekend -- it was great to see my guys bouncing out the door refreshed and in a good mood. It doesn't hurt that we're all so looking forward to our first family camping trip this weekend. We're so excited! It'll be the first time I've ever camped overnight so I'm a little nervous but with my two boy scouts with me, I know we'll be just fine.

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